Simple Reset

Upgrading your energy from the inside out

In our modern world, we come in contact with chemicals, toxins and negative thoughts on a daily basis. As they accumulate in our body, it can have a number of adverse affects on our health - from weight gain and fatigue to brain fog, bloating and more.

Simple Reset is a 7-day program designed to rejuvenate your mind and body from the inside out. The reset includes a functional medicine liver detox coupled with an emotional release session, designed to rebalance your energy and leave you feeling lighter and more clear.

The foundation of the Simple Reset is the functional medicine liver detox, a science-backed approach aimed at optimizing liver function. By supporting this key organ, the detox gently eliminates harmful toxins while rebalancing the body at an underlying root cause level.

Through dietary adjustments and Functional Medicine and Ayurvedic supplements, this detox enhances your body's natural detoxification pathways, paving the way for renewed energy and vitality.

In tandem with the liver detox, Simple Reset offers a transformative emotional release session. This session provides a safe space to explore and release stuck emotions. By processing these emotions, you can experience more lightness, freedom, and peace.

Whether you're looking to shed physical toxins, release emotional baggage, or simply hit the reset button on your health and well-being, a Simple Reset can support you on your path to rebalancing your energy.

  • Because of the prevalence of chemicals, toxins and pollutants in our world, as well as the lack of societal support for emotional processing, most people can benefit from a reset on a quarterly basis.

    If you are dealing with weight gain, bloating, dry skin, brain fog, mood disorders, and hormone imbalances, doing a Simple Reset to support your body in replacing nutrients you may be deficient in, reducing toxicity, and processing emotions will help your body rebalance at a root cause level.

  • Whether you're dealing with issues such as weight gain, brain fog, low mood and bloating, or something more serious, they all have something in common -- they are symptoms, but they are not the cause. That's because the true problem starts at a deeper level due to an imbalance, toxicity or deficiency that can be difficult to uncover.

    Thankfully, no matter what your individual health challenges are, the path back to health is the same, with results you can see and feel in as little as 7 days.

    The liver is your body's largest detoxification organ. While its job is to filter toxins, it was never designed to be able to keep up with the vast increase in pesticides, pollutants and other harmful chemicals we now encounter each day.

    In order for the liver to maintain its ability to detoxify the body and support overall health, it must be provided with key nutrients for both phase 1 and phase 2 liver detoxification. As the liver is supported to safely remove harmful toxins, it is also important to replenish your body with a strong foundation of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients.

    Along with supporting liver detoxification, the emotional release session enables the body to move stuck energy. When emotions remain unprocessed, they can have a negative impact on our physical health, including raising stress levels and inflammation, and degrading cardiovascular health, respiratory health, digestive function, and hormonal health. By taking care of our emotional health, we pave the way for improved physical vitality and longevity.

    The Simple Reset helps to rebalance your body on multiple levels - physical, emotional, and energetic.

  • Can I work the Simple Reset into my everyday life?

    Yes, you can work the Reset into your everyday life. You may have lower energy for the first two days, so having the option to reduce your activity level and go to sleep early is ideal. Being able to buy clean ingredients and cook your own meals is also optimal. We know life happens though, so I opt for doing the reset imperfectly vs. not doing it at all.

    Can I eat on the Simple Reset?

    For the first two days, you drink 4 shakes per day. For days 3-7, you will incorporate food for lunch and dinner.

    While you will purchase the food separately, a food list is included with the Reset to guide you.

    Is there anyone who should **not** do the Simple Reset?

    Please consult your healthcare practitioner if you are under 18, pregnant or lactating, have liver or kidney disease, gallbladder conditions, appendicitis, an eating disorder, type 1 diabetes, or if any of your medications are contraindicated with any of the Simple Reset ingredients

    Ask me more questions here

  • ✧ Supports liver detoxification

    ✧ Provides essential nutritional support

    ✧ Helps with weight loss

    ✧ Boosts metabolism

    ✧ Supports more restful sleep

    ✧ Feeling like a weight has been lifted

    ✧ Release of stress, tension and pain

    ✧ Reduction in habitual reactions

    ✧ More presence and general well-being

  • ✧ 7-day functional medicine detox kit, including: functional medicine and Ayurvedic supplements, plus a vitamin and protein powder

    ✧ Food guide, FAQs, and meal ideas

    ✧ One 45-minute emotional release session, usually scheduled before or during the 7-day program

    ✧ Text communication before, during and after the Reset for questions and support

  • The first two days of the Simple Reset include drinking 4 shakes per day.

    Days 3-7 include 2 shakes per day and two meals.

    Functional medicine and Ayurvedic supplements are taken each day to support Phase 1 and 2 liver detoxification.

    Depending on your goals, the Simple Reset can be done for 7, 14 or 21 days.

  • 7-day reset: $300

    HSA and FSA eligible

Bioenergetic Scan

Your energy is your most important resource

With bioenergetic testing, we’ll look at the physical, mental, emotional and energetic root causes of your symptoms.

Health can be complicated. We can simplify the complex and create clarity about which step to take next through finding the physical, mental, emotional and energetic root causes.

  • Everything in the universe is in a constant state of vibration. All particles, atoms, and molecules vibrate at certain frequencies.

    The cells of our body are no exception. The organs of our bodies emit electromagnetic frequencies as a result of their metabolic process.

    Bioenergetic testing is a type of energy support therapy that uses a combination of eastern energy medicine, homeopathic principles, and quantum physics to assess body imbalances.

    Also called bioresonance testing, bioenergetic testing uses a microcurrent of electricity that communicates with your body’s energetic system to gather information about the areas of your body that need support.

    Bioenergetic testing allows us to design energetic support treatments unique to you. We work to activate and support the body’s own natural healing processes.

    Note: Bioenergetic testing is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition.

  • Bioenergetic testing is a fit if you:

    ✧ Struggle with chronic health issues

    ✧ Want to find and address the root cause

    ✧ Haven’t received answers from lab tests

    ✧ Looking for a personalized approach

    ✧ Want a simple, non-invasive test that can be used for people of any age

    ✧ Desire convenient, remote testing

    ✧ Want to optimize your health

    ✧ Interested in a science-backed, intuition-led holistic approach

  • ✧ Autoimmune conditions

    - Celiac

    - Crohn’s, ulcerative colitis

    - Fibromyalgia

    - Grave’s

    - Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis

    - Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or disease (IBD)

    - Lupus

    - Multiple Sclerosis

    - Rheumatoid Arthritis

    ✧ Chronic infections

    - Bacterial overgrowth, SIBO, LIBO

    - Candida, yeast or fungal overgrowth

    - Epstein Barr

    - Lyme’s disease

    - Mold

    - Parasites

    - Urinary tract infections (UTIs)

    ✧ Mental health challenges

    - ADD, ADHD

    - Addictions, dependencies

    - Anxiety

    - Depression

    ✧ Other physical challenges

    - Low energy, adrenal fatigue, chronic fatigue

    - Brain fog

    - Digestive issues, acid reflux

    - Sleep challenges, insomnia

    - Hormonal imbalances

    - Sinuses or allergies

    - Joint pain

    - Skin issues, such as rashes, eczema, psoriasis

    - Headaches or migraines

    - Histamine intolerance

    - Blood sugar dysregulation

    - Heart problems

    - Liver issues

    - Recurring eye or ear infections

    - Thyroid conditions, hypothyroidism

    - POTS

    - PCOS

    - Weight management challenges

    If you’ve had a deep knowing that you could feel more vibrant but don’t know where to start, let’s talk.

  • ✧ Bodily systems and organs under stress

    ✧ Toxins and pathogens including parasites, heavy metals, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, and other environmental toxins

    ✧ Nutritional deficiencies including vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, fatty acids, neurotransmitters and hormonal imbalances

    ✧ Food, environmental, and phenolic sensitivities

    ✧ Dental disturbances including cavities, decay, toxicities, infections, and bite irregularities

    ✧ Vertebral disturbances including misalignments

    ✧ Emotional disturbances including specific feelings or emotions

    ✧ Balancing remedies including homeopathy, herbal or nutritional supplementation, emotional affirmations and complementary therapies


  • Comprehensive bioenergetic scan

    Simple, non-invasive bioenergetic test using a small hair and saliva sample to determine your state of health and uncover root cause imbalances


    Personalized protocol

    Personalized healing plan based on your scan results, including support for nutritional imbalances, the opening of drainage pathways, and gentle detoxification

    Protocol can include homeopathy, herbal or nutritional supplementation, affirmations, and complementary therapies (e.g., acupuncture)

    Results review session

    Talk through results and personalized protocol, answering your questions along the way. You will be guided to check in with your inner voice/intuition about which results to focus on

    ✧ Custom energetic remedy and premium supplement

    A personalized energetic tincture and premium supplement that is most needed by your body are included

    Option to include targeted add-on scans or Inner Voice sessions

    Add-on scans are available for particular organs, systems, and glands to investigate imbalances further

    Inner Voice sessions can be used to go deeper into your own inner wisdom using your personalized results

    Access to discounted professional-grade nutritional supplements

    After the first premium supplement, additional supplements that are most needed to advance your health can be ordered for you. These will be charged separately

  • How we’ll work together:

    1. Purchase the bioenergetic test

    2. Read the Sample Collection PDF, sent after your purchase. Collect and mail your samples.

    *If you’re local to Marin County, CA, message Kristin to set up an in-person scan.

    3. Within 2 weeks, look for an email notification that your report is ready. Schedule your results review session to receive your personalized plan and have your questions answered.

  • $555 for a one-time scan

    $4444 for 1 year of monthly scans (33% discount)

    HSA and FSA eligible

Health Journey

Rebalance your energetic resources

This 3-month concierge-style journey is designed to guide and support you in up-leveling your health and life.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Maybe your mental, emotional and physical health have been neglected after years of putting others before yourself. We've been taught to prioritize productivity and give up our health, our alignment, our rest, and our joy in search of "success".

But this usually leaves us with an energy imbalance that eventually manifests as physical symptoms. Your body isn’t messing up; your symptoms are signals. Let’s figure out what they’re telling you and what to do about it.

  • If you:

    ✧ Want to address the root cause

    ✧ Looking for a personalized approach

    ✧ Struggle with chronic health issues

    ✧ Want to optimize your health

    ✧ Interested in a science-backed, intuition-led holistic approach

    ✧ Ready to take action

    ✧ Want ongoing support as you find and address imbalances

  • Six 1:1 sessions

    Six (6) sessions, ranging from 30-90 minutes, that incorporate integrative health coaching and teach you how to tap into your own inner wisdom

    Personalized protocols

    Personalized health plans based on your health intake or testing results, including unlimited updates

    Root cause testing

    Convenient, at-home tests using a small hair and saliva sample to determine your state of health and uncover root cause imbalances

    Testing will be repeatedly monthly throughout the Journey

    Direct messaging support

    Unlimited text message support via client portal

    ✧ Custom energetic remedy and premium supplement

    A custom energetic tincture will be created monthly. A premium supplement that is most needed by your body will also be included monthly

    ✧ Educational resources

    ✧ (Optional) Simple Reset

    A 7-day reset for the mind and body

    Access to discounted professional-grade nutritional supplements

    After the first premium supplement, additional supplements that are most needed to advance your health can be ordered for you. These will be charged separately

  • 1. Complimentary connection call

    Let’s talk about the best path for you. You’ll tap into your inner wisdom to decide what feels right for you.

    2. Health Intake

    We’ll review your lifestyle, health history and goals. We’ll confirm the path we decide on through an inner voice session.

    3. Root cause testing

    You’ll collect samples for the test we’ve chosen together and ship them to the lab. Or, if you’re local to Marin County, California, we can meet in person to do testing.

    4. Personalized plan

    You will receive a personalized plan based on your test results. We’ll confirm next steps through an inner voice session.

    5. Ongoing meetings

    We’ll continue to meet 1:1, incorporating integrative health coaching with inner voice and emotional release sessions to help you take the most impactful next steps for your health and life.

  • $2222 or 3 months at $750/month

    Valued at $3800

    Investment for supplements and add-on testing will be separate.

    Health Journey is HSA and FSA eligible.

Text with Kristin

Just like texting with a friend

If you are on your path of living simply aligned and want some ongoing, at-your-fingertips support, I’d love to text with you.